
Caramel Hooves Info


General Prices

  • Simple/No Clothing is included.

  • Simple/No Background is included.

  • Any body type included.

  • Complex Clothing = +30€

  • Complex Background = +30€

  • More characters (each) = 50% of the cost of the first

For a list of fetishes and their added price to the commission, click here (middle mouse click if you do not want to be taken out of this page)


  • Payment only through Paypal. (for the time being)

  • Payment may be sent all at the start or half at the beginning and the remaining half at the end of the commission.

  • Rush fee is +50% of the total cost.

  • No refunds. (unless I have not started your commission)

  • Estimated time is from 1 to 4 weeks, depends on availability, if I require more time, I will warn you. (I’m a college student sorry)

  • Your commission will be posted on my socials. (unless you ask beforehand not to)

  • I will send you WIP’s through out the development, unless asked specifically not to.

  • You may only ask for big changes at the sketch phase of the drawing.

  • For commercial use, discuss with me first in dm’s.

We are a duo composing of an Artist (the one you see the beautiful art of) and a wannabee Artist/Animator who right now deals with managing and tries to do animations on the side with the said beautiful art.Our goal is to eventually be able to live off what we love, creating art and interacting with you all beautiful people, the art community and the nsfw community.